Sunday, September 04, 2005

lets get to 100 teddys

Having had the idea that a teddy to a child would be a way to help earlier in the week watching pictures of Hurricane Katrina and laying in bed it wasn't until Saturday I thought this is only going to happen if I do something (I had tried to google to find a someone who did this kind of thing with no luck). So I bit the bullet and posted the following on both my regular blog (link on the side if you want to know who I am) and on a website where I regularly visit and post.

OK so we have all moaned and griped and lots of us have put our hands in our pockets and have donated cash and still we want to DO something to help the Hurricane Katrina victims.

I find the pictures of children with just a diaper on and nothing else to their name heart wrenching, as I am sure everyone does. I happen to love teddy bears and I cannot imagine a child without one especially at this time when they have so little - many of you know how a teddy bear can sometimes be the best friend to hug (ok kittens are good too but that would be a bit hard when you see where this is going)

I know food, clothes and money will be donated but I want to give as many children as possible a teedy bear back to hold through the dark nights ahead.

I am therefore asking if anyone reading this has a new or almost new teddy bear they can spare and they would like to donate it you can contact me via my email

My aim is to get 100 teddy bears to send down south, and the thought of their faces when thay are handed out justifies my time and trouble

It was posted late Saturday night, within minutes I was contacted, by Sunday morning my sister-in-law contacted me offering both teddys and a warehousing shipping facilty from her business (very BIG thankyou). Then I was contacted by another website user offfering to contact people who could get this out much further and faster (again a very BIG thankyou) I was then contacted by a friend in England who offered me some teddy's from her own collection (an enormous thankyou I know how precious they are). My breath has been taken away by peoples genorosity and it does restore ones faith in humanity despite some glaring ommisions we may have seen in the past week. This afternoon my husband and I headed out to the local county fair here and approached all the radio and tv stations that were present - hopefully I'm going to hear something back tommorrow.

Because people are now contacting me left right and center I hope my initial desire for 100 teddy's can be exceeded but apart from mine and the two we acquired today at the fair the proof as they say is in seeing teddys so please if you can spare a teddy send it now to

Teddys for Hope
c/o Jentre Products
1054 Grandview Road
Oil City, PA, 16301

or contact me at



Blogger G & Auds said...

I see the splammers (my own combination of spam/bloggers) have hit your site already. Just delete 'em and keep passing on the site. Will update my own blog to reflect this and keep sending out as much info as I can. At least one thing Greg Lietz said was true; your blog is enviable! But only because it's doing so much good! Keep up the good work Rosie, and just think of all those precious smiles on the faces of those children when they wrap their arms around a teddy bear! Will head out after the first shipment of bears go out on Tuesday and see if I can get more attention thus more bears, Tuesday afternoon. The reaction of the folks at the store today was incredible. I wish I could bottle that feeling and share it with the world.

More bears to come!

Gareth and Audrey

6:48 PM  

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