Thursday, September 08, 2005

Thursday..... yes it really is

Well it must be getting to me as I failed to notice yesterday I labelled the post "Thursday" ! Today is truly Thursday and good news, what I hope hope are the advance troops are arriving - the postman today brought teddys, Shurl brought teddys home from his work, and now we have 35 teddy bears sitting waiting to get on with their mission .

As you can see from the above photos they are so eager they have already had the map out and are plotting the route south - If you have already sent your bear he should be spotted here somewhere though I admit some refused to take the job seriously and sit still and pay attention.

OK now to get serious - believing I am now going to have bears plans are afoot to sort where they are going, if anyone knows of a specific place where they are desparately needed please email me (link on the side).

To those who havent yet sent a bear PLEASE DO, look at this crowd and just imagine what joy and love they are going to give and recieve.

On a practical note when all bears arrive if they are still bearing any plastic tags or fixed in a box I am removing them, I basically want to make the distribution of the bears as easy as possible at their end point plus removing their boxes reduces weight/bulk for shipping.


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